Is your workplace starting to feel boring? Want to add some fun and silliness to your day? Don’t worry, we have got you covered! The best idea is to pull off some hilarious office pranks that will leave everyone laughing!
If you want to add some laughter and lightheartedness to your workplace, explore our hilarious collection of articles on virtual April Fools' Day pranks and funny jokes for the workplace that will create a positive environment
Want our advice? Fresh pranks always hit the best. Don’t be limited by April Fool’s Day, get that foolery out of your system any chance you can. We have listed some impromptu, harmless pranks for coworkers that will leave everyone astonished. So, let’s begin!
1. Things To Remember Before Pranking Your Colleagues

There are some things to remember before you go pranking your colleagues, whether they’re in the office or working remotely. Sure you might be pulling a joke on your workplace frenemy, but by definition, pranks should be enjoyed by everyone, even the chosen coworker prank victim.
Here are some helpful tips:
- Know your limits - Of course, don’t go dumping a bucket of water over the head of your company’s CEO. Unless you’re really, really good friends already.
- Don’t cause total chaos - Your managers might not appreciate it if you end up disrupting the workday for everybody else or cause missed deadlines. Be aware of everyone’s schedules and try not to make life too much harder for anyone involved.
- Total destruction is out of the question - Maybe don’t damage personal or office property. If not you might end up having damage costs taken out of your next cheque.
- Keep it cool - Even if you’re not friends with everyone in your workplace, treat your prankee like they’re your buddy and don’t take things too far. The best office pranks are light-hearted and pain-free.
2. Virtual Office Pranks 2023

2.1 Pants In The Stall

This harmless prank starts in the workplace bathroom. Simply set up a pair of pants inside a stall, placing them with a pair of shoes preferably. People will start wondering why the guy is in the restroom for hours!
2.2 Febreze Overflow

This coworker prank might land best with a colleague known for their smell! Act fast with this one - tighten a zip tie around the trigger of a can of Febreze room spray. Chuck the can into the room with your unlucky colleague in it and run. They’ll come out smelling better than ever.
2.3 A Sticky Ride

Want your victim to feel like they are on a carnival ride? This prank is just the right deal! It definitely takes some time but it’s guaranteed to get the best laugh in your office parking lot. Gather as many sticky notes as you possibly can and totally cover your prank victim's vehicle with them, from wheel to roof. The carnival ride is ready to roll!
2.4 Autocorrect Mishap

Just imagine every time you typed ‘we’, your phone’s autocorrect made it ‘weird’. Hilarious, right? Try changing the autocorrect for ‘okay’ to ‘yeehaw’ in your workplace buddy’s phone and just wait for the awkward screenshots…
2.5 Foghorn Entry

Catch your peers off guard with this quirky prop! The next time you step into the office, bring along your trusty air horn and give it a toot instead of your usual greeting.
2.6 Caramel Onions

This is one of the best office practical jokes. Hand over an impromptu gift - a candy apple. Watch as your coworker bites into the caramel only to realize there’s a whole onion inside. The mix of sweet and tangy will definitely get you a photographable reaction!
2.7 Ballooned!

We advise you to try this with your close colleagues/peers only! The next time they bend over, pop an inflated balloon behind their back. They might just think they’ve split their pants.
2.8 Creature Attack

If you can prepare ahead of time, it’s well worth renting a monster costume and attending your weekly meeting wearing it. Your colleagues are sure to experience nightmares in broad daylight! Caution- Risk it only if you know your team well.
2.9 Gravity-Defying Desk

If you have a Dwight to your Jim, then you will love to pull this off! It might be tricky, but suspending a colleague's full desk setup and chair from the ceiling will get the whole office cracking up.
2.10 Nail In The Cake

Who doesn’t love office cake? Well, until they see the sign that says ‘find the toenail inside’.
2.11 Psychedelic Boss

Got a helicopter boss? Tape hundreds of pictures of yourself over his office walls to let him know how it feels. We’d recommend this only if your boss can take genius office pranks with a good spirit!
2.12 Vocal Toaster

Simple but effective. Want to hear everyone scream ‘toast’? Stick a sign on your regular canteen toaster that reads ‘voice activated’ and enjoy…
2.13 Plantboard

We saw our peer’s reaction after we played this and just thought, is this prank cruel or downright genius? A plant-filled keyboard will just make yours and your friend’s day!
2.14 Visitor In The Ceiling

Imagine witnessing a ghost in your office ceiling! Remove a ceiling panel and stick a creepy pair of eyes up there. Now, be ready to record your colleague’s memorable reaction!
2.15 Family Swap

This will make your morning! Your friend will think - Did I sit down at the wrong desk? They’re not my family photos!
2.16 Sleeping Beauty

This prank never gets old! Colleague fallen asleep at their desk? Get the whole room to clap and watch them join in.
2.17 So fishy!

They’ll be asking ‘what’s that smell’ all day when you hide a fish in their desk drawers.
2.18 Healthy Donuts

Who does not love a sweet treat at the workplace? Let everyone know there are donuts waiting in the canteen. Little do they know they’re made of spinach and hummus.
2.19 Theme Days

Send an ‘office-wide’ email letting your prank victim know tomorrow is costume day! How fun it will be to see them dressed as Cinderella or Wonder woman or a Spiderman while others are following a formal code.
2.20 It’s A Wrap!

Let’s create a fun obstacle course for your colleague! Using a heck of a lot of Saran wrap, completely cover their desk space so they have to cut through to get started for the day.
3. Virtual Office Pranks

Of course, in this era of virtual workspaces, office pranks aren’t just for the real office. Take your pranking to the virtual world too.
3.1 Virtual Background Conundrum

Ever seen that Zoom filter that turns you into a potato in a field? This virtual office prank is harmless and easy to pull off.
3.2 Jump Scare

Want to see your peer screaming in a virtual meeting? Set up a virtual jump scare during your next Zoom meeting.
3.3 Sorry, I Was NOT On Mute

When you should be on mute, say something unbelievable and then act like you thought you were muted.
3.4 Stolen Identity

Imagine your boss’s reaction when they see two Johns in a chat? Hilarious, right? In your online work chat, change your name and photo to a colleague’s and start some digital chaos.
3.5 Prank Outside The Box

Team up with a coworker in your next Zoom meeting to make it appear as if you can reach into their Zoom video box!
3.6 New Colleague!

Ask the new colleague to order some more email envelopes because the server is running out. Talk about prank mail!
3.7 Group Prank

You’ve got better chances in greater numbers, so get your whole team in on this one. Conspire together to all act like you’ve forgotten what your company does and get your boss to believe the sudden group amnesia.
3.8 Double Trouble

Can’t get the whole department in on your joke? You can still take April fool's pranks in the office to the next level. Get your work buddy to join all of your one-on-one meetings and pretend it’s totally normal.
3.9 The Heart Attack

Pick an easy-going colleague for a private zoom meeting. Suddenly act like you’re in pain, and just as they start to worry, break into a carefully choreographed dance on screen.
3.10 The Disappearing Act

Using a little green screen and movie magic, make yourself miraculously disappear during a video call. You’ll be known as the incredible disappearing employee!