In the past two years, the entire world underwent a transformation, brought on by uncertainty. What all seemed to be an alien concept back then has become the new normal. One such is the medium through which we interact for all-hands meetings, quick catch ups and check-ins. When there was no choice left, organizations came up with the idea of hosting events virtually with a virtual event platform.
An online event platform is a tool that organizations utilize to conduct events with a virtual component. Various engaging features of such platforms make a virtual event gripping and give it a realistic touch.
Since online events have become organizations' first preference, many platforms in the market promise you a lot but aren't efficient enough. If you are looking forward to hosting a virtual event and the plethora of choices confuses you, you've come to the right place.

What are the key features of a virtual event platform?
Here are some features you should look for in a virtual meeting software-
Personalization tools-
Like an in-person event, virtual events have a theme and some set of preparation. The first factor you should look for in a virtual event platform is if whether or not iit comes with customization tools. Having a solution with personalization features would enable you to plan your event as per your brand needs and objectives. It will have a direct influence on your brand image and reach. Since the purpose of hosting events is branding and networking, customized events and platforms would help you meet the objective.
All in one solution-
The only significant difference between a virtual and an in-person event is the medium. Be it an online event or a physical event, both formats require a theme, attendees, and preparation. It won't make any sense if someone hires two different platforms for a single event. An efficient virtual event platform is a one stop solution for the organizers.
Easily accessible-
What physical venue is to an in-person event, virtual meeting software is to online events. What makes an online event platform efficient is its accessibility. Nobody will bother to continue if your platform isn't an easy nut to crack. Make sure it has a neat and clean navigation system. You should look for a venue that could be accessible to everyone; the same goes for a virtual event platform. Your attendees will be joining the event at their convenience and the device they have. Not all your attendees need to have a laptop, and some will join in via mobile phones.
Engagement activities-
Though virtual events offer innumerable advantages, they come with a lot of distractions too. Attending a physical event of long duration is one thing and attending long virtual events is another. 'Zoom Fatigue' is a term that describes the burnout that people get after continuous use of virtual communication tools. People find it difficult to focus, which makes it harder for the presenter to hold their attention throughout the event. You would never want people to leave an event mid-way because they feel it is boring. A well-structured platform is one that offers various features to ensure audience engagement. Some features to look for are live polling, Q&A sessions, which allow the audience to make live comments, and more.
Networking Options-
The only reasons people attend any event is either learning something new or meeting new people. Your event doesn't make any sense if it doesn't offer any of them. Some live streaming services like Dreamcast offer features like AI Matchmaking, B2B Meeting Scheduler, Networking Tables, and many such features that add value to the audience's experience. If you’re planning to organize an online event, Promise a fulfilling experience to your attendees by selecting a platform that allows them to build connections.
Real-Time Data-
Out of those many significant advantages that a virtual event offers, one is monitoring real-time data. An efficient online meeting platform will make it easier for you to observe your attendees' activities during the show. Keeping track of every activity of your attendees isn't possible with physical events. These live analytics can be crucial for your organization, and you can use them to determine the success of your event.
3D virtual space-
Some virtual meeting software provide a 3D virtual space that gives the event a realistic touch and makes the event more engaging and happening. It has all the components that a physical venue has. If you're looking forward to hosting a virtual event, consider a platform that offers you this feature.
Another key feature that makes a virtual event platform efficient is its security. You would never want your audience's contact information and other confidential data to get leaked. If somebody entrusts you with their valuable time and contact information, it becomes your responsibility to keep it safe and secure. A platform with full-proof security will ensure its credibility and allow the audience to attend the event without having to worry about hackers and other threats.
Pre-recorded session-
Another significant feature of virtual event platforms is that they allow various streaming modes. One can either choose to stream their event live or can pre-record it and telecast it later. Live streams have a higher audience engagement as they allow the attendees to make live comments, participate in live polls, and put across their queries during the proceedings. Pre-recorded sessions have their benefits. This type of content is filtered that sets them free from any glitches and mishaps. Apart from broadcasting a recorded event, one can record your live event and use it as a reference in the future. It would come in handy if any of your attendees missed out on something due to bad internet or other factors.
Advanced features for sponsors-
The biggest concern that the organizers have while hosting an online event is monetizing the event. There are only two ways to do so; one is through registrations, and the other is sponsoring. A sponsor would invest in your event only if he is getting any benefits from it. No sponsor would like to be a part if he feels he isn't getting enough branding. Here we land on another feature of an online virtual event service. A well-established platform will offer you various options for the branding of your sponsors. Platforms like Dreamcast offer Dynamic Banner Functionality that attracts more sponsorship. This feature enables attendees to get in touch with the sponsors directly while the event is going on.
We started conducting virtual events because we were compelled to do so. But now that we have choices, many of us would still prefer organizing online events. The most important factor one needs to consider while planning to host a virtual event is the platform to host one. With the features mentioned above, it would become convenient for you to get your hands on the best virtual meeting software. One platform with all these attributes is Dreamcast; get in touch with it and host the online event of your dreams.