It’s a well known fact that a new joiner’s first day at a new company is always challenging, no matter how experienced they are. You need to make them feel welcomed while announcing their arrival to the existing team in order to effect introductions. Since you have to ensure that they hit the ground running on the first day itself, getting a new employee announcement perfect is important.
In this blog, we have lined up some incredible new employee announcement ideas that will be well received by your new joiners. Even your older employees will appreciate these funny new employee announcement ideas, resulting in everyone having a positive experience.
Welcoming employees to your company should be an essential part of your engagement strategy. Check out our in-depth articles on virtual orientation ideas and welcome kits to fine-tune your new employee welcome.
1. How to Introduce New Employees to a Team?

Introducing new employees into the workforce requires planning, whether they join days or months apart, or even on the same day. Everyone involved in the onboarding processes needs to be in sync, especially the HR department. They’ll have to take the induction forward and ensure departmental coordination.
Announcing the arrival of a new employee in a department is part of this process. These announcements keep everyone updated about the new faces in the office, ensuring a seamless introduction, handover of duties and future collaboration. The new employees won't feel out of place if they are introduced to their teammates on the first day or in the first week itself. They can put a face to the name.
As a rule of thumb, the employee announcements should be cheerful, warm and inclusive. The idea is to hype up their entry and to give the current workforce a chance to meet and greet them. You can be as creative as you like with these announcements, because the overall goal is to make the new ones feel special while the older employees welcome them with open arms.
2. What Should Be Included in a New Hire Announcement?

These are some of the things that you can include in a new hire announcement:
- Full name
- Academic and professional achievements
- Start date
- Department
- Job roles and responsibilities
- Supervisor
3. 10 New Employee Announcement Ideas

3.1. Announce the New Hiring Across Multiple Channels

Announcing the new employee across multiple channels is a sure shot way to let everyone in the office know about the person. Just select the most used channels of communication that your company uses for day to day business, and everyone will get notified. You can use channels such as Slack, Microsoft Teams and others. New employee announcement LinkedIn is also a popular way to announce a new arrival.
If your office has a bulletin board, you can also use it as an announcement channel, by posting amusing selfies, sharing hobbies and favourite movies/tv shows of the new members. An announcement on the company’s Facebook channel will also make it across to most people, and you can make it very casual too. New employee announcement LinkedIn will be a more formal one.
Another sure-fire way to gain attention is to make a public announcement using an integrated employee engagement software. The platform will have mutliple channels and is all-in-one solution. Sorry, I was on Mute offers one such integrated platform that can be used to acknowledge and reward excellent work or contributions at an individual or team level across your organization. Make accurate data-driven decisions based on the in-depth reports and analytical information that this software provides to create customized rewards and recognitions. You can then take it one step further and align these with your company mission and value system to create a dynamic performance recognition centre.
3.2. Create a Lasting Impression of the New Joiner on Your Employees

Since it’s the first day of your new employees, they will be timid and may feel awkward interacting with everyone within the office. But that shouldn’t stop your older employees from coming forward. For having a lasting impression, try giving out stickers that have the newcomer’s names and faces on them.
This way, you can prevent a situation arising where people come to talk to the new person but are unable to remember him/her. It also makes the new ones feel like they’re already a welcome member to a new family. Plus you don’t have to hand out name tags to the fresh faces in the office.
3.3. Invite New Joiners to a Trivia Quiz

Well, this one’s a no brainer (or a new brainer, if you hadn’t thought of it already). Everyone loves a bit of trivia quizzing at the office. Now’s your opportunity to create an unforgettable entrance for the new joiners, while people get to let down their hair and have fun. This can also be a funny new employee announcement idea if you tailor the questions accordingly.
To make it a success, set up trivia quiz contests every week and make sure the newcomers are invited to them. Once they get an answer correct, they have to tell the story which allowed them to know the fact in the first place. The new employees will love this setup because it's casual and helps them open up.o, it beats responding to potentially awkward icebreakers or the usual ‘tell us about yourself’ in the meeting room.
3.4. Organize In-Person Meetings

In-person meetings can be really warm and create a wonderful experience for the new employees on the first day of office itself. These meetings can be organized to accommodate the work culture that’s prevalent in your office. But no matter which way you want to go, remember that getting to know these amazing new joiners should be the meeting’s primary agenda.
You can go the tried and tested way of asking the person to stand up at the meeting and introduce themselves, their backgrounds, hobbies and more. You could also make it a rapid round of introductions where the newcomers say their name and tid-bits of interesting information about themselves that makes them feel comfortable.
3.5. Present Healthy Snacks

Everyone’s a ball of nerves on their first day at a new job. Some may even skip breakfast from tension or forget to get something to work with them. This gives way to hunger pangs, which they may feel shy to voice out to their new coworkers. That’s your cue to bring out the box of healthy treats. The snacks can act as great conversation starters and will attract more people to the newcomer’s desks.
If you want to make the environment even more engaging, you can also promise extra snacks to the existing employees who go around and introduce themselves to the new ones. This way, the new employees will have an enriching experience on their first day of work and start building meaningful professional relationships right away!
3.6. Casual Meetings

Post an announcement on the company’s communication channels about an informal meeting and schedule it to everyone’s comfort. On the day and time of the meeting, get a few snacks and beverages and gather everyone into the room.
Now get the newcomers a few special goodies, such as cool hats, nametags, or any accessory that shows others that they’re new. Now, let these people communicate with each other. The food and drinks will also help people to wind down. Allow your employees to mingle with each other naturally.
3.7. Use the Rule of Three

The rule of three tells us that when we use a three way approach for any sort of communication, it reaches the maximum number of people. It also creates a long lasting impression. You can surely use this method to ensure everyone remembers the new names and faces around the office. Just choose three varying communication channels used at your work. Then send out information regarding the new person three times each, on these channels.
However, don’t make them sound too repetitive. Here are some handy reminders:
- 1st message: State the new joiners names and qualifications or roles
- 2nd message: A cool fact that makes everyone take notice
- 3rd message: A reminder to everyone that they go and shake hand with the new joiners
3.8. Announce the New Joiners Digitally

Announcing the news digitally is also a fun and simple way to get things started for your newcomer. A simple announcement on the company’s preferred mode of communication at work will be enough to prompt a conversation. It is also a better idea when your teams are working remotely.
Before you announce it, there are a few things that you should remember:
- The goal is to generate conversation, so keep it light and chill
- Provide some background information
- Include a photo of the person that gets people talking
- Share cool facts, achievements and other hobbies
3.9. Send a Company Wide Email

This is the most commonly seen method of employee announcements that organizations use. But hey, traditional approaches can also reap great rewards. This way you can keep things simple and easy for all. If you are looking for a funny new employee announcement, then a company-wide email is a good place to start out.
To make it a success, create a draft template which you can use for various new joiners. Then, when they arrive, send out the invites accordingly, by filling out the appropriate details. The tone in this document should be encouraging others to introduce themselves to the new ones.
3.10. Organize a Fun Happy Hour Event

Happy hour events are informal events when office members can come together, enjoy food, beverages and relax. Naturally, this is one of those environments that can help your new employees feel at home, with everyone talking and enjoying their presence.
If the new joinees have some specific talent, for example painting, singing, playing an instrument or others, you can create some space for them where they can perform. Happy hours get everyone in a fun and froliciking mood, and it also helps the newcomers know that they’ve come to a place that doesn’t shy away from having fun.
4. Creative Employee Introduction Sample
"We are thrilled to have a (Name of the new employee) as a part of our team. With the experience they already have, we know they are going to be a great fit in our organization. On account of their joining the company is hosting an icebreaker session. Hope to see you all there!"
5. FAQs

5.1. How do you write an employee announcement?
A new employee announcement should be attentive, bring up an emotional connection and be unique. Since it is someone's new day at work, the idea is to make them feel special and appreciated.
5.2. How to welcome new employees on a LinkedIn post?
Here are some things that you can do for an employee announcement post on LinkedIn:
- Be creative with the post
- Showcase that you are glad to have the person on board
- Post their picture in formal attire
- Mention the position which they’ll be filling up
5.3. How do you introduce a new employee in an email?
How you frame the email employee announcement depends on the office culture. You can simply send an email notifying everyone about their designation and role, or you can also mention all about their background and more. Just make sure that people welcome the new person with warmth and make them feel good.
5.4. What are some fun new employee announcement ideas?
Here are some fun ideas:
- Play a game of Two Truths and a Lie where people guess the right fact about the new joiner
- Ask the new employee to share information and stories that will draw other people towards them
- Organize team building activities involving the new ones